Green Open Food Evolution, workshop by Maya Minder (Ch) and Annabel Guérédrat
Green Open Food Evolution is a speculative narration into possible dietary program based on a algae rich nutrition, to rewrite the human holobiome and finally become Homo Photosyntheticus. The workshop will conduct a lecture performance, a speculative writing workshop and a cooking class with many tastings and fabulations on how to become Homo Photosyntheticus. In addition there will be a kinaesthetic workshop on enhencing body and mind perception accompagnied by Annabel Guérédrat, a certified BMC practitioner, and Adam Zaretsky. Maya Minder is currently an artist in residence at the Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris via the programme conceived with the foundation Art Explora.
On registration only (10 persons):
Echo of Leaf and Body, workshop by Badlab Project (Ch)
During the Echo of Leaf and Body workshop, BadLab will create a collective resonance space through sound and gesture. Participants are invited to contribute and hold the acoustic space together with the vibrations of the gong, readings, writings and a soundscape to be evolved during a process of making a DIY structure of healing. Within these sounds, each participant will choose their healing plants intuitively, foraged in the public space surrounding Volumes, to create a personal healing pattern in the form of a hapazome mandala.
On registration only (10 persons):
ICTUSCORDIS is a series of audiovisual performances with the human heart as the main subject.
The series is based on an audiovisual image that comes from a heartbeat and dynamically depicts the intimate relationship between the audience and the collective heartbeat. In the series artist explores the application of the Biofeedback method, by applying feedback loops between physical and mental body states. With the performances, artist invites the audience into a sacred space of artistic and spiritual intimacy and invites visitors to indulge in the audiovisual image of the heart.